Dexin Group Co., LTD., founded in 1993 and headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of Chinese top 100 real estate development and property management enterprises with national double-level qualification in real estate development and property management. After 30 years of steady development, Dexin Group has now become a multinational group integrating the whole real estate industry chain with Chinese elements and a global perspective.
Release Date:2014.12.03
Author:Dexin Group
2014,德信地产“百亿战略”即将开战,广邀英雄共商大计! 21年深耕城市,铸就德信 60亿年销售额,颇获赞许 15个杭州精品项目,布局大杭州 3大优质新生项目,蓄势待发 (德信城西项目,德信钱江新城项目,德信萧山世纪城项目) 多地连拿,驰骋马年土地市场 百亿之路,始于足下 德信诚邀各方英才,共创未来!